The Economic Value Of Fleet Wraps For Off-Premise Advertising
In today’s post, we dig into fleet wrap effectiveness studies to highlight the economic value of “mobile billboards” for your business and branding. Read on or call (314)726-5500 to start a fleet wrap consultation in St. Louis, MO.
Research Review: The Economic Value Of Fleet Wrap Advertising In St. Louis, MO
In a seminal three-month study, 3M measured the advertising effectiveness of fleet wraps for Cadbury-Schweppes Company. Using GPS units, they tracked 10 Snapple trucks on their routes through two major metropolitan areas, then synthesized this data with rich demographic information and thousands of survey responses in order to deliver the most accurate measurements of message effectiveness to date.
Here’s what they found:
- Fleet wrap advertising generates millions of impressions per year. In this study, 3M researchers estimated that a single fleet wrap would generate an average of 6-million impressions annually.
- Fleet wrap advertising is the most cost-effective form of advertising. 3M researchers calculated the average cost per 1000 impressions for fleet wraps at only $0.48. That is approximately seven-times less than traditional outdoor advertising ($3.56 per 1000 impressions), and nearly fifty-times more cost-effective than advertising on television ($23.70 per 1000 impressions)!
- Fleet wraps have the power to impress. With 97% of survey respondents having recalled fleet wrap ads, and 98% indicated that the ads “created a positive image of the advertiser,” it is safe to say that fleet wraps generate highly favorable impressions. To explain this warm reception, researchers theorized that fleet wraps ads were a welcomed sight on the road, where traffic jams and long commutes leave little of interest for the eye to see, in contrast to television commercials, which are frequently seen as a nuisance that interrupts leisure activities.
The economic value of fleet wrap advertising was further illuminated in a 2020 report by the Journal of Communication Theory and Research, which found that:
- More than half (56%) of the study participants “regularly” saw fleet wrap advertisements, while more than one-third (38.6%) said they “always” noticed fleet wraps on their daily commuters
- Approximately 85% of work commuters are “primary household purchase decision-makers,” making them the ideal target audience for your out-of-home advertising
- Survey respondents recalled visual cues, colors, and branding elements on trucks and vehicles, making fleet wrap advertising ideal for building brand recognition
Free Quote On Custom Fleet Wraps In St. Louis, MO
Ready to start exploring your fleet wrap options? At Horizon Sign Company, we carry all the most popular options, from magnets and spot graphics to full fleet wraps, and everything is completely customizable.
To begin a free fleet wrap consultation, call (314) 726-5500 or fill out the short contact form on the Horizon Sign Company website.